Struggling to Lose Weight?

Transform With Us

The FDA’s approval of both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, gives doctors and patients two of the most potent drugs yet to treat chronic weight loss. Take the first step toward a healthier you.

New Patient Special

Schedule Your Free Consultation to Start Your Weight Loss Journey Today!

Welcome to St. Louis Medical Weight Loss

If you’re struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise, our medical weight loss programs at St. Louis Medical Weight Loss is your solution. We specialize in helping individuals achieve their desired weight through our supervised customizable medical weight loss program. We understand that weight loss can be difficult due to various factors like unhealthy eating habits, environmental toxins, and hormonal imbalances. Our tailored programs include custom diets and prescription weight loss medication. With the guidance of our medical providers, you can achieve success in your weight loss journey. Stop waiting and take control of your well-being by starting your weight loss journey with us today. Let us help you achieve your goals and become your best self.

Supercharge your weight loss journey! Reach out and make that call or schedule your appointment now for the ultimate support in achieving your goal weight!

medical weight loss st. louis mo

The Benefits of Losing Weight

Even a modest reduction of 5 to 15% in total body weight for those grappling with excess weight brings about significant benefits, notably in curbing risk factors, especially for heart disease. Shedding those extra pounds can lead to decreased blood pressure, improved blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol. Experience enhanced moods, increased energy, improved mobility, and reduced pain. Boost your confidence and self-esteem, and even enjoy a more satisfying social and sex life. Not to mention, it’s a cost-effective way of living. For individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above the healthy range, embarking on a weight loss journey becomes particularly beneficial, especially when coupled with other health risk factors like high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, and a personal/family history of heart disease. The result? You’ll not only look better but also feel better, with increased vitality to tackle the things that truly matter to you.

Improved Health

Shedding excess weight reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Enhanced Energy Levels

Carrying less weight means less strain on the body, leading to increased energy levels and improved overall vitality.

Better Sleep

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight often results in improved sleep quality, reducing the risk of sleep disorders.

Boosted Mental Health

Weight Loss is associated with improved mental well-being, reduced stress levels, and a positive change in mood.

Increased Mobility

Losing weight can make physical activities easier, leading to increased mobility and a more active lifestyle.

Joint Health

Less weight means reduced pressure on joints, potentially alleviating pain and preventing conditions like arthritis.

Improved Self-Esteem

Achieving weight loss goals can boost self-confidence and improve body image, contributing to enhanced self-esteem.

Long-Term Wellness

Sustaining a healthy weight supports long-term wellness, providing a foundation for a healthier and happier life.

Give us a call at 314.325.0807 for your free consultation!

Our Weight Loss Solutions

Semaglutide +

Semaglutide is an advanced medication for weight loss approved by the FDA. It imitates a hormone that is naturally present in your body and effectively diminishes your cravings and appetite, assisting you in burning stubborn belly fat.

Tirzepatide +

The weight loss industry has been revolutionized by Tirzepatide, a breakthrough medication that mimics the natural hormones GIP and GLP-1 in the body. This cutting-edge medication has taken the market by storm.

New FDA Approved "Game-Changing" Medication For Weight Loss

man and woman medical weight loss st. louis mo

Customized Weight-Loss Plan

At St. Louis Medical Weight Loss, we understand that everyone has unique weight loss goals and needs. That’s why we offer a variety of weight loss strategies and support to help you achieve your desired results. Our team of weight-loss specialists will work with you one-on-one to customize a plan tailored to your specific needs, providing continuous guidance and assistance throughout the entire process. You can trust us with your health history, concerns, and questions, as our focus is not just on helping you lose weight but on improving your overall health and well-being. We recognize the challenges that come with the weight loss journey, but we’re here to help you every step of the way.

For more information on our one-on-one consultations and personalized weight loss strategies, please contact us today.

Saint Louis medical weight loss staff Anissa

Anissa Wheeler, FNP
Family Nurse Practitioner

Meet Our St. Louis
Medical Weight Loss Provider

Why St. Louis
Medical Weight Loss

At St. Louis Medical Weight Loss, we provide personalized and innovative weight loss solutions tailored to your specific needs. Unlike generic approaches offered by chain weight loss centers, we design specialized plans. We don’t rely on short-term diet fads such as prepackaged meals, food journaling, ultra-low calorie diets or surgery. Instead, we implement a wide spectrum of medical approaches recommended by healthcare specialists to ensure your healthy weight loss and sustained results. Beyond our primary focus on weight loss, we address underlying health concerns related to obesity and prioritize the achievement of improved overall well-being. Our expertly designed programs and exceptional patient-centered care enable our clients to attain their desired weight safely. 

Call us at 314.325.0807 today to set up a no-cost consultation and start the journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

Speak With St. Louis Medical Weight Loss!

Our Team is Ready to Meet With You to Discuss Your Weight Loss Goals

girl pulling her pants away from her body to showcase her weight loss progress st. louis mo
saint louis medical weight loss st. louis mo

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